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Tuesday, September 20, 2005
argh.am having fever now. i dont know. i had it on sunday night, last night, and now! and today morning felt like puking hahahah. and everyone said i look yellow or grey and i felt clammy, so i had to go office. i actually wanted to skip home econs test, but then dong was giving me this disapproving face so i was like aiya whatever lah. then after that chua gave me green tea to drink. (: then i forgot to throw away the packet! i hope that she wont think im irresponsible or something.. just that this teacher came after i did my home econs test and was hurrying me down for the english one. i dont know if im going school tomorrow. most probably not. oh well. my first regret is not being able to watch the abortion video! mr. hong's gonna show us tomorrow i think. its gonna be gross. the doctor actually sticks the incisors inside you and crushes the baby. ewwww. and then he sucks it out using something. and hong says you can actually see some white things, which are the bones, and the grey substances which are the brains? oh my god! that's just murder lah. but then science has been very interesting lately! hahahaha. very funny and gross. this person actually doesnt know what's anal sex, and another one doesnt know what's oral sex. hahahhahh. so pure ah.. hahha and aileen was like 'isnt the meaning literal' or sth like that. heeee. anyway.. had english orals on friday. we had to wait like 3 hours. since we were the second group people. and i was no. 9 or something! plus the examiner was ms seah. i got her last year too. and she gave me so lowwwwwww. and this time she actually interrupted me. i havent even finished describing the stupid picture and she said 'lets move on to the conversation.' the question was some exam thing, and i think she was actually quite amused with my answer cos she was smiling away. oh and we did the survey today. reshma and yihui thought of putting the new pe uni thing down, and so charlene and i followed suit. (: one of them put 'to be frank, the shorts look like boxers' hahahahhaa. i cant wait for exams to end. i cant count how many things i wanna do, like reading the new harry potter book and watching movies and hanging out. i cant wait for the holidays too! but then after the exams we'll have to fill in that subject form again. i still dont know what to take. like if i should take geog or hist, triple science or double. i dont know! everyone's vying for triple science, but i suck a lot at science and i think its actually suicide if i take 3 sciences. but if i take double, which one should i take? everyone's saying bio's not that important, and the useful one is chem and physics. but then those two are my worse ones you know.. bio is actually my better science. oh my gosh. ARGH. how am i gonna choose? you know the school should actually have some advice for us.. because my mother's not offering any. i dont know. that time she was like 'you choose yourself then after that lemme see.' walao. i appreciate the freedom, but i think it's being given at the wrong time. yupp anyway. i swear this is the last time i am gonna blog. till exams are over. it's those stupid asses who keep asking me to update. (: hahah namely yy and devi. Saturday, September 10, 2005
hahaha today was so damn funnaye.urrrrm woke up at 7.45 today. hahhaa. just to watch the hurricane katrina concert. its so sad. anyway. devi and sinyee came over today. lol. they actually came to study lah but in the end all we did in the morning in 1 and a half hours was to learn the definition of habitats, and the functions of xylem and phloem vessels. serious lah. ahhaha. the rest of the time we spent arguing on whose science textbook was better. oh and which digimon was our favorite in the digimon poster thing. hahahhaa. then after that we went compass point to eat. went macs. hahahha. and then went to see the newly opened swensons! hahah. damn ex lah, some stupid meals cost 26 bucks. daylight robbery lah. please lor then the place is so tiny. argh. yeah then after that we went to stand at the 3rd level(the 2nd level was full) to see the DISNEY PRINCESS PAGEANT! hahaha. cos they were holding this in compass point. oh it was so damn funny. it was supposed to start at 2 but then they started late and made us wait. how stupid. hahaha. its this stupid thing where little kids take part and they have dunno what fashion parade and talent show. the talent show is the funniest. we only watched the starting ones, but almost all of them were dancing or singing kiss the girl, that mermaid thing. we were all getting sick of that song already k. hahha. anyway. those singing ones i bet they're all out because it was awful. hahaha. we couldnt hear the lyrics at all. this girl was damn funny. she was doing kiss the girl, so she was like wearing the ariel costume. the host of the show her name is su wei okay. su wei: so do you like the little mermaid? girl: no. su wei: but you ARE the little mermaid! HAHAHAH. we were all laughing like crazy. lol. seriously its so funny. then there was this girl who could do the hoop thing for quite long. then su wei asked her if she could do it for 8 hours and she said yes. hahaha. lol then next there was this girl who was doing erm some song and i think she forgot her lyrics so she was just standing there and smiling at the judges. lol. seriously. she looked like she was stoning. hahaha. then devi said su wei should ask her if she could stone for 8 hours. HAHAHAH. we're so damn mean lah. hahaha. anyway. went back to my house and cos we didnt feel like doing homework we just stoned. hahaha. (: then after that we were playing some game with a 1 dollar coin. hahah. okay. today was damn fun. but useless. hahah. at least we learnt something! hahah. study groups are really useless! at least, for us. hahahhha (: Thursday, September 08, 2005
woke up at 9 today!i would have slept till 12 but then. they were building some old people's corner or something. and there would be no water from 9.30 till dont know when. so.. played gunbound in the morning. hahah everyone's playing maple and im playing gunbound. :D anyway. i havent played gunbound for like a year or so. and i actually deleted it but i only downloaded it on monday or something cos my brother wanted to play against me. haha he has an internet connection! finally. yah then was brushing up my skills. hahaah. i think im quite lousy now.. boo. and people kept swearing at me and stuff.. hahah. i think its quite funny and amusing. lol (: seriously lah. everytime i miss a shot then my partner will be like 'wtf' or 'bitch' and then the opponent will be like 'noob'. HAHAHAH. (: and i think im so stupid. argh. i used to buy all my avatar for like 100 000 k or something. and now the prices are all reduced to 30 000 k! so i bought 3 of those avatar and then i realized i bought them for a week only. seriously lah the gb people put weekly/ monthly / limitless and the default was weekly and i didnt know anything so i bought them for a week! who would wanna buy avatars for a week?! ARGHHHHH. ROARRR rah. anyway went to play badminton with yanglin at prime there. was quite okay lah. but it was only the two of us. hahah. sinyee's mum was sleeping and she didnt dare to wake her up and ask her. lol (: anyway. yanglin provided rackets and shuttlecocks. hahaha. i was too lazy to bring them. hahahah. and saw jingkang's brother or something. i dont know. i didnt see. :D after that we went prime. yl waited outside and i got drinks. (: then walked home. and and i saw cvps has a security booth now! whoaaaa. how surprising. and i think i saw mr. michael chiew in his car, but nevermind. (: project meeting tomorrow. rah. at kap. forgot to call priyanka yesterday night hahaha. anyway. we're gonna meet 30 mins earlier to eat lunch. (: oh and there's lost tonight! (: i did this character thing and it said i was claire. urrrrm. and fear factor, survivor and amazing race are starting! yaye. anyway. gonna try to study now. i havent done the chinese thing yet, does anybody knows how to do????? and my brother's having exams tomorrow! but he still went online today. then i said hi and he told me to shutup cos he was studying. ahhaahah. anyway. GOOD LUCK AND ALL THE BEST! <3 Sunday, September 04, 2005
just sent my dad to the airport.he's going china to work for 2 months i was crying like shit lah then my grandma was like 'its only 2 months' its not only! that's like how long? ................................ anyway yesterday was grandad's birthday. cousins came and we were playing games so it was quite fun. we were playing metal slug haha. then my uncle was like 'so long already this game still play'.. ahha. then watched dude where's my car. hahah so lame. where's your car? dude where's my car? where's your car? dude where's my car? (: (: (: okay. nothing else now. byee Friday, September 02, 2005
today sucked a hell lot.i actually went to school thinking today was gonna be a great day. stupid right. and then i was like in a freaking good mood till damn english lesson. wanna know how much i got for english test? a effing, damn C! i thought i would lose marks in my compre but i did quite well there and i lost my TEN OVER MARKS in summary. canham marked only 5 points, and the rest was like IRRELEVANT. what the hell lah! i was trying not to cry in class lah. but you try lah. especially when the people surrounding you all got 30+, and 19 half for their summary. what the hell! i already got 2 other Cs lah. i seriously dont need this one. and english is not even my worst subject lah! then like everything i get back recently is all C. and then i wasnt feeling very good about it already lah, then a few people werent even taking me seriously! what the hell!!! i am starting to hate this stupid person lah. she was seriously irritating me in the courtyard today morning. she's an indian. i think everyone's racism is starting to wear on me. i think she's freaking irritating lah, i dont know how someone stands her. but you know what. just my damn luck, im working with her for something. im freaking irritated too because holidays are starting and that means you have to study like dont know what. and there are so many movies i wanna watch, but cant because of exams. f exams lah! what is the point and use of having exams anyway??? |